February 14, 2021

Transfiguration: Renewing the Vision 

Passage: Luke 9:28-36

February 14, 2021 
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 
Transfiguration Sunday 
Online Worship Service 
Joint Worship Service 

Welcome and Call to Worship

“El Shaddai”
“Above All”

Prayer of Adoration and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer  
Hymn: “It’s So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”
The Gospel:   Luke 9:28-36

Hymn: “It’s Good Lord to Be Here”
Sermon:  Transfiguration: Renewing the Vision
Hymn: “Transfiguration Hymn”

Announcements and Mission Moment   
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession 
Hymn “Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory”
Commissioning and Benediction
–   “May the God of Hope”

Rev. Samer Kandalaft
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church – Kemptville
Knox Presbyterian Church – Mountain
St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church – Kemptville – YouTube

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