Welcome and Call to Worship
- "Morning Has Broken"
- “Savior, like a Shepherd Lead Us”
Prayer of Adoration and Confession and the Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: "And Can It Be"
The Gospel: Matthew 4:18-25
Sermon: "Follow Me, Be My Disciple"
Hymn: “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult”
Announcements and Mission Moment
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
Hymn: “Where He Leeds Me I will Follow”
Commissioning and Benediction
- "May the Lord Mighty God"
Welcome to the congregations of St. Paul’s Winchester, St. Andrew’s Chesterville and Morewood Presbyterian Churches as they join our online worship during the lockdown.
The National WMS Executive is planning a series of Zoom meetings to help keep members connected while we cannot meet in person. The series of five monthly meetings, entitled "Come Together ," will begin in February. The meeting dates are as follows:
February 10 - Let's Come Together
March 10 - World Day of Prayer
April 7 - Easter Worship
May 12 -Mission Awareness
June 16 - Fellowship and Sharing
If you would like to attend one, some or all of these Zoom meetings, send your name and email address to Cathy Reid, WMS President - reidc@rogers.com or Janet Brewster, Past President - janet.brewer@sympatico.ca to register. You will be put on the Contact List and will receive the Zoom invitation and other details for each meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend these Zoom meetings whether you are a WMS member or not. Please consider attending.
The Canadian Council of Churches, on behalf of the Government of Canada, would like to invite you to an information session about vaccination and public health measures against COVID-19 with Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer or Dr. Howard Njoo, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer. This session will include a brief presentation and an opportunity to ask questions.
When: January 20, 2021, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. (EST)
Registration closes January 18, 2021, 12:00 p.m. (EST)
Online Event Registration Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/update-on-vaccination-and-public-health-with-dr-theresa-tam-tickets-136029332395
The Winter issue of PC Connect is now available and can be downloaded from https://presbyterian.ca/wp-content/uploads/PC_Winter2020.pdf
- a peaceful transition of power in the United States.
- the process of receiving and distributing COVID vaccines in Canada.
- creative and inspired ways for us to be the church of Christ in the world.
- our global church family as we start the 2021.
- teachers and students as they continue in virtual learning.
- all those infected with COVID-19 and their families.
- Doctors and nurses on the front lines.
- Churches in our town and in the Presbytery of Seaway-Glengarry.
- people who feel lonely and depressed.
- opportunities to show kindness to others.
- the strengthening of the family unit during the second wave of COVID-19.
- the unity of our country during this stressful time.